


Although these insects typically only live for one to two weeks, their impact can be deadly. The female mosquito feeds on human blood and carries deadly diseases such as the West Nile virus.

1,662 Questions

Will watering plants with mosquito larvae in the water be harmful?

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Yes, watering plants with water containing mosquito larvae can potentially harm the plants. The larvae may consume the plant roots as they grow, leading to damage. Additionally, mosquitoes can transmit diseases, so it's best to prevent their breeding by emptying standing water where possible.

How does a plasmodium vivax eat?

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A parasitic life form basically consumes food from the host. Here, unlike in symbiosis where both lifeforms are benefited only the parasitic creature is benefited. These form of life consume food just like any other creature but the only major difference (as stated above) is that it gets this food from the animal it hosts upon.

Is there any sort of parasite or living organism lives on mosquito?

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Yes, there are parasitic organisms that can live on or inside mosquitoes. For example, certain species of nematode worms, mites, and fungi can use mosquitoes as hosts for part of their life cycle. These parasites can affect the behavior, reproduction, and overall fitness of the mosquito they inhabit.

Why mosquitoes don't bite diabetic patients?

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Mosquitoes are attracted to the scent of carbon dioxide and the chemicals in our sweat, not blood sugar levels. Therefore, being diabetic should not affect a person's attractiveness to mosquitoes. If a diabetic person is not being bitten by mosquitoes, it may be due to individual variations in attractiveness or other external factors.

Plasmodium effects the mosquito or not?

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Yes, Plasmodium does affect mosquitoes. It infects and multiplies within the mosquito's gut before moving to its salivary glands, where it can be transmitted to humans when the mosquito bites.

In what branch of biology does a mosquito belong?

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A mosquito belongs to the branch of biology called entomology, which focuses on the study of insects. Mosquitoes are a type of flying insect known for their specialized mouthparts for feeding on blood and their role as vectors for transmitting diseases.

What is the name of acid present in mosquito sting?

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The acid present in a mosquito sting is formic acid. It is released as the mosquito inserts its proboscis into the skin to feed on blood, causing the stinging sensation and irritation.

When a mosquito bites your left arm this will first activate the which lobe of your brain?

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The sensation of a mosquito bite on your left arm would activate the somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobe of your brain. This area processes sensory information related to touch, pressure, temperature, and pain from different parts of the body.

Why female anopheles mosquito feed on human blood?

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Female Anopheles mosquitoes feed on human blood in order to obtain the proteins and nutrients required to develop and lay eggs. The blood serves as a source of nourishment for the mosquito's reproductive cycle.

Will fingertips still feel numb after thawing from frost bite?

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Yes, fingertips may continue to feel numb even after thawing from frostbite. The numbness can persist due to damage to the nerves and blood vessels caused by the extreme cold. It's important to seek medical attention if you suspect frostbite to prevent further complications.

What kind of protein does mosquitoes needs to develop their eggs?

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Female mosquitoes need a blood meal to obtain the protein necessary for developing their eggs. This blood meal provides essential nutrients, including proteins and lipids, that are used to produce eggs. Without a blood meal, female mosquitoes are unable to reproduce effectively.

Is Purple martins prefer to eat mosquitoes a topic statement or a hypothesis?

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This is a topic statement. It states a fact or general idea without making a specific prediction to be tested or proven.

Would humans and mosquitoes and plasmodium together be considered an biosphere?

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No, a biosphere refers to the entire ecosystem of a certain area, including all living organisms and their interactions. Humans, mosquitoes, and Plasmodium (the parasite that causes malaria) are only a small part of a larger biosphere.

What would humans and mosquitoes and plasmodium together be considered?

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Humans, mosquitoes, and Plasmodium together would be considered a host-pathogen-vector system for malaria transmission. Mosquitoes act as vectors by transmitting the Plasmodium parasite from one host (humans) to another through their bites. Plasmodium is the causative agent of malaria, a disease that affects humans.

Can you gave me an example of a sub-problem on a a investigatory project as lemon grass as alternative ingredient as mosquito repellant?

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A project involving alternative ingredients to mosquito repellents can have many problems. The alternative ingredient may actually attract mosquitoes or other dangerous insects instead of repelling them.

Is it good to pop a mosquito bite?

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No, it is not recommended to pop a mosquito bite as it can lead to infection, scarring, and increased itching. It is best to leave it alone or apply a soothing anti-itch cream to help alleviate the discomfort.

What is the kingdom phylum class order family genus species of a mosquito?

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A mosquito is part of the Animalia kingdom, in the phylum Arthropoda. Its class and order are Insecta and Diptera, respectively. The family is Culicidae, and the species is mosquito. The genus depends on the specific type of mosquito.

Who invented mosquito repellent?

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Mosquito repellent was not invented by a single person, but rather through a combination of research and development over time. Some of the key components used in mosquito repellents, such as DEET, were developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the 1940s. Since then, many companies and researchers have contributed to the creation of various types of mosquito repellents.

What do you do when you have a bunch of mosquito bites on your leg?

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You can apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and itching, use an over-the-counter anti-itch cream or ointment, and take an oral antihistamine to relieve itching. If the bites are severe or show signs of infection, consult a healthcare professional.

What will cure mosquito bites?

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Applying an anti-itch cream or lotion, such as hydrocortisone, calamine, or aloe vera, can help relieve itching from mosquito bites. Applying a cold compress can also reduce swelling and discomfort. If the bite becomes infected or the reaction is severe, seek medical advice.

Does a Mosquito have a brain?

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No! Female Anopheles Mosquito is just a carrier where the malaria parasite remains sort of dormant. It flourishes only when it gets it's host, i.e. human body. It doesn't actually infect the mosquito.

How does plasmodium gets into mosquitoes?

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Plasmodium gets into mosquitoes when they feed on the blood of a human or animal infected with the parasite. The parasite enters the mosquito's digestive system and moves to its salivary glands, where it can be passed on to another host during a subsequent blood meal.

How does a mosquito fits into a food web?

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Mosquitoes typically serve as a food source for a variety of animals, such as birds, bats, frogs, and fish. They are considered prey in the food web, playing a role as a food source for many predators.

Does mosquito fern make its own food?

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Yes, mosquito fern is a type of aquatic fern that undergoes photosynthesis, allowing it to produce its own food. It has specialized structures called chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll, which is essential for photosynthesis.

How do plasmodium cells move?

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Plasmodium cells move within the human body by infecting red blood cells and using them as a mode of transport to move through the bloodstream. Once inside a red blood cell, Plasmodium cells can change shape and move within the cell to evade immune responses.