

What do you see at night?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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The color of the eyes doesn't have much to do with your ability to see in the dark but the type, number, and location of your photoreceptors does. In the back of your eye you have two kinds of photoreceptors, rods and cones. Rods see better in low light conditions and see more in black and white. Cones see better in bright light conditions and give us our color vision. When the light that focuses on the back of the eye lands mostly on cones, such as in humans, we are adapted to daytime seeing. Animals that are nocturnal, i.e. active at night, have more rods in the back of their eyes where the light focuses. Here's a trick though, our rods on on the periphery of the back of our eye. When you want to see something better in the dark, look at it from the corner of you eye and it will be easier to see because it will be focused more on your rods.

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11y ago
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16y ago

white, pink, yellow, light blue, light green, orange, any floresant colors

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15y ago

At night you see stars, which give off light, and the moon, which has light reflected off it from the sun.

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15y ago

All colors are seen best during the day because we need light to see.

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10y ago

We don't really know exactly what colors animals can see during the night. Some see shapes and varying shades of grays and blacks.

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14y ago

red yellow and green

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White reflects light best.

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