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The fate of the people in Roanoke is unclear and remains a mystery. They disappeared sometime between 1587 and 1590, leaving behind only the word "Croatoan" carved into a post. There are various theories, including assimilation into local Native American tribes or experiencing violence from Spanish forces.

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Q: What do you think happend to the people in Roanoke?
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What happend to the Roanoke colony?

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What happend to the colonist at Roanoke?

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What was The Lost Colony of Roanoke about?

Roanoke was named the lost colony because the first time people settled and some went back to england. Well the people that went back they came back to Roanoke but the people that settled dissapeared. The only thing that was left was a tree with the carving " CROATOAN" . Nobody knows what happend , still investigating-a 4th grader

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nobody knows

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