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Nonvascular plants are usually the first plants to live in new enviroments, such as newly exposed rock. When these plants die, they break down and help form a thin layer of soil. Then, plants that need soil in order to grow can move into these areas

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Non-vascular plants are usually pioneer species because they need very little soil to thrive. They do not need sunlight and are the most adaptable species.

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Q: What do you think is the reason that nonvascular plants can be the first plants to grow in a new environment?
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Facts about nonvascular plants?

Nonvascular plants are sometimes referred to as lower plants because they were the first to evolve. Vascular plants evolved from nonvascular plants.

Is it true All spore-producing plants have vascular tissues?

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Are tomato vascular or nonvascular?

it's a vascular, seeded plant. angiosperm to be more specific! Kingdom: PlantaeSubkingdom: TracheobiontaDivision: MagnoliophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaSubclass: AsteridaeOrder: SolanalesFamily: SolanaceaeGenus: SolanumSpecies: S. lycopersicumto be REALLY specific!

Why do plants not have feelings?

First of all, your hypothesis ... plants don't have feelings ... may be false. The only thing you can say for sure is that if plants have feelings, they don't communicate them to us in a way that we can understand. Next, if in fact they don't have any, then the reason is most likely the same as the reason that pigs don't swim, people don't fly, and rocks don't talk.

What is the main difference between nonvascular plants and vascular plants?

The difference between vascular and non-vacular plants is that, vascular plants have tubes that carry water up the plant/tree, non-vascular plants dont have those in which case, they need to live near water. Vascular plants are considered the "flowering plant", non-vascular plants have spores and don't need to "mate" with another plant to make a new one, they just need to get their seeds off of them the right way. Vascular plants have a system of cells that transport water through the plant, non-vascular plants do not.

Related questions

Which organism did the first land plant evolve from?

Nonvascular plants

Facts about nonvascular plants?

Nonvascular plants are sometimes referred to as lower plants because they were the first to evolve. Vascular plants evolved from nonvascular plants.

What kind of plant was most likely the first land plant?

Since all known land plants have a vascular system, it is likely that the first land plant also had a vascular system. Researchers believe that there were two types of plants that may have been the first land plants. These are called rhynia and zosterophyllum.

The first plant to grow in new environment are called?

Pioneer plants. These are often hardy species that are the first to colonize and establish themselves in a newly disturbed or barren area. They play a crucial role in starting the process of ecological succession.

What effect do lychens have on their environment?

They are the very first plants to grow after a volcano exploding or forest fire.

Is it true All spore-producing plants have vascular tissues?

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How to do grow profitable plants on house roof?

The first step to growing plants on a roof is to determine what types of containers and watering system will be needed. The plants chosen should be suitable for growing in a hot, dry environment with little care. Shallow rooted plants are best.

Are plants part of the environment?

yes plantes are a huge part of the enviorment.plants are what makes the air we breath if there was no plants then it would be like mars with no air.plants was one of the first things created on earth not humans not dinosaurs not animals.PLANTS.

Are tomato vascular or nonvascular?

it's a vascular, seeded plant. angiosperm to be more specific! Kingdom: PlantaeSubkingdom: TracheobiontaDivision: MagnoliophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaSubclass: AsteridaeOrder: SolanalesFamily: SolanaceaeGenus: SolanumSpecies: S. lycopersicumto be REALLY specific!

What is the first stage in coal formation?

The first stage in coal formation is the accumulation of organic material such as dead plants in a swampy environment. This organic material undergoes decomposition in the absence of oxygen, leading to the formation of peat.

Why do plants not have feelings?

First of all, your hypothesis ... plants don't have feelings ... may be false. The only thing you can say for sure is that if plants have feelings, they don't communicate them to us in a way that we can understand. Next, if in fact they don't have any, then the reason is most likely the same as the reason that pigs don't swim, people don't fly, and rocks don't talk.

What were the first plants on the planet?

The first plants were algae .