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Q: What do you think may happen to the leading edge of oceanic plate as it continues to move downward?
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What do you think may happen to leading edge of plate a as it continues to downward?

As the leading edge in forced down it is heated up and becomes part of the molten magma below.

What may happen to the leading edge of plate as it continues to move downward?

The edge of the plate will heat up and become part of the molten mantle.

May happen to the leading edge of plate as it continues to move donwnard?

It melts (and may float upward).

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In a convergent plate collision between continental and oceanic plates, the more dense oceanic plate would subduct, or move underneath, the less dense continental plate, eventually melting into the mantle at the leading edge.

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It accelerates quickly up to a low terminal velocity, then continues at constant velocity. At terminal speed, the downward force of gravity and the upward force of liquid resistance are in balance.

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Earthquakes happen because of continental plate shifts. Oceanic plate shifts cause title waves.

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the oceanic plate crased into the continental plate.

Do hurricanes happen in the ocean?

Yes, hurricanes are a tropical oceanic phenomenon.

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hurricane or tornaro

What explains the observation that when a continental and oceanic plate collide the oceanic plate dives down under the continental plate?

The oceanic plate must be more dense than the continental plate for this to happen.

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Leading Company happened in 1993.