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Q: What do you think might happen to strangler fig seeds that fell into forks in the tree high in the canopy which had very little compost?
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What do you think might happen to a strangler fig seeds that fell into the forks of a tree high in the canopy that had very little compost?

If they fall into forks of branches high in the canopy,which have very little compost ,they will not be able to survive as they use the water in the compost of the fork.

Are there any Disney princess themed canopy beds for little girls?

Yes, there are Disney princess-themed canopy beds for little girls. You can start with the toddler canopy bed which is low to the floor for ease of access. Then you can invest in a single size canopy bed, or even a canopy for a twin size bed.

How do little creatures eat compost?

Mouthparts is the way in which little creatures eat compost. The specific configuration reflects the species in question. For example, earthworms will have a different way of taking in compost that will ground-dwelling insects.

What are some strangler fig adaptations?

The strangler fig tree have many adaptations one being that the strangler figs start their lives off as epiphytes, plants that do not root in the soil in their first stages of life, as at the ground level of the rainforest there is little light and a huge amount of competition for water and nutrients meaning that the majority of plants that start off on the ground have to adapt or die. The strangler fig has adapted by using other trees to get itself into the canopy where it is lighter. Once the strangler fig sprouts roots, it begins to use them to strangle the tree. as well as this it competes with the host tree for nuitrients and water, then the strangler fig has a large growth spurt, and once it begins to grow leaves they are very large and they tend to cover those of the host plant. The Strangler fig uses alot of these adaptations to become able to grow into a strong healthy plant.

What is a description of the earthworms habitat?

Earthworms live in the ground, they eat little tiny insects and compost if you make a compost bin.

What some things that happen to aesop when he was a child?

Very little information on the life of Aesop as come down to us as he was a slave and of little consequence while he was alive. One thing that we do know of him as a child is that he was used to haul compost.

What are the similarities of the forest floor and the canopy in a rainforest?

They both have living mammals, birds, and insects.

How much light does the tropical rainforest get?

the canopy recieves very little sunlight

Can you grow seeds in homemade compost?

Sure, It might take a little longer, but you still can!

Who sells canopy beds for girls?

Canopy beds make the little girls feel like the princess that they are. One place that you could find a canopy bed is Grand Home Furnishings. Another place would be to try looking at discount furniture warehouses in your area.

Why is there so little undergrowth away from rivers in the amazon?

the dense canopy further away blocks light however where rivers are there is a gap in the canopy which lets light in so things can grow at lower levels.

What is the average price for canopy curtains?

The cost of canopy curtains relies heavily on the material used. Walmart sells such curtains for as little as $7.97, while custom made curtains run as high as $1000 or more.