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Q: What do you think of the argument that religion is really modern day superstition?
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Is horoscope a religion?

Not really. Horoscopes are a part of astrology, something considered more of a pseudoscience or a superstition than an actual religion. It is more a set of methodology than an organized group of worshippers with a common cause or belief.

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no they are a superstition

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Math is really the language of science.

Are there any superstitions within Christianity?

Whether there are any superstitions within Christianity depends on your definition of superstition.Some see all religion as superstition and on that view Christianity is, in its entirety, superstition.The ancient Romans did not regard their own religion as a form of superstition, but when Christianity came to their attention, the authorities labelled it superstitio - a superstition, again in its entirety.Fear of the devil and of demons is consistent with superstition, and rituals of exorcism can be called superstitions. Similarly, the earlier Christian belief in witches was a form of superstition.Veneration of saints was controversial in early times, as some Christians saw this as akin to polytheism. An alternative view is that it is akin to superstition.Veneration of supposed relics of saints is really no different to what we mean by superstition.Belief in apparitions of the virgin Mary is arguably a form of superstition, as is belief that certain places are associated with healing miracles.

What year was superstition created?

superstition doesn't really have a date it starts from before ancient Egyptian times so it came from all different years so that's the answer

Is hindums really a religion?

Hinduism is really a religion, yes.....any belief system in a superpower/deity is considered a religion

What lucky colors to wear for the new year?

It depends who you ask but there are no lucky colours really, it is just a superstition.

What religion is Angelo parente?

he doesn't really have a religion. and i don't think a lot of people really know.

Do Greek gods deal with religion?

No, not really. The only 'religion' they have is greek!

What is Macaulay's argument in favor of the Reform Bill of 1832 are they convincing?

Macaulay's argument in favor of the Reform Bill of 1832 that were really convincing was his argument in favour of parliamentary reform. Thank you very much, but what exactly is his argument. I'm reading over the Bill and just cannot understand what his argument actually is.

How and why did the black cat superstition come true?

I have a feeling it is because of the fact that one of the most popular familiars for witches is a black cat. And back then they were mightily afraid of witches...i think that's where the Friday the 13 superstition came from as well. But of course not all witches are evil, so i don't think the black cat superstition really is true

Can the law to eradicate superstition in India really help to eradicate it?

Any legislation aiming at eradication of superstition is sure to fail in achieving the goal. Penal codes have failed to curb perpetration of crimes. So will any codes on eradication of superstition. What is necessary is spreading education throughout the length and breadth of the country to arouse zeal for analytical mind.