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Remembering someone who has died is a very personal thing. If you think it would be suitable then go for it. But a tattoo is a permanent thing so I would say if you are having any doubts at all, go for something else.

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Q: What do you think of this tattoo my grandma passed away a year ago and i wanted to get a tattoo in remembrance i wanted a grim reaper and my grandma holding hands and walking toward a group of clouds?
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What is the Mary J Blige video where she is walking on clouds?

"All That I Can Say"

What is the meaning of walking on clouds?

They are happy beyond imagination - its a wonderful, wonderful life

What is the meaning of the idiom walk on clouds?

The idiom "walk on clouds" means to feel extremely happy or elated, as if one were floating or walking on air. It refers to a state of complete euphoria or bliss.

Why clouds are black and not white in rainy season?

Clouds appear black during the rainy season because they become thicker and more saturated with moisture, making them denser and darker. The increased water content in the clouds absorbs more sunlight, causing them to appear darker in color. Rain clouds are typically known as cumulonimbus clouds, which can appear very dark or black due to the amount of water droplets they contain.

What do stratus clouds do?

Stratus clouds bring, small amounts of rain. I may be wrong but I have a test on Clouds tomorrow so I should know. And for you information stratus clouds look like a long, fluffy, blanket, and are usually are gray. So when you see stratus clouds you MAY have rain. Like I said I can't promise you that every stratus cloud will bring little rain. So if you'll be walking on a day stratus clouds will be out, bring a umbrella, just in case. Date 9/4/12

What is the beginning of the scientific inquiry process?

Forming a hypothesis. First you must have an idea. Example: You notice that clouds are white. Hypothesis: Clouds are made of cotton. Ridiculous? Yes, but testable. Test by climbing a mountain, for example, and touching a cloud (you'll find yourself walking into a fog bank, which will invalidate your hypothesis, forcing you to rework it). New hypothesis: clouds are fog = clouds are steam. Then you proceed to test steam and see if it reflects light the same way clouds do.

How does the sun cause clouds to form?

The Sun's energy warms on Earth heated water turns into water vapor air holding the water vapor rises and cools water vapor turns into water droplets and ice crystal's causes clouds to form.

How does the Sun help cause clouds to form?

The sun dries up the water puddles and then the water forms clouds. So the sun is the cause of clouds

Where can you find firestones in pokemon white?

Caves sometimes have dust clouds. You may receive a Fire Stone by walking into one of these or by answering "Pansear" to a man in Castelia City.

How the sun help cause clouds to form?

The Sun's energy warms on Earth heated water turns into water vapor air holding the water vapor rises and cools water vapor turns into water droplets and ice crystal's causes clouds to form.

If the gas from dry ice is colorless and clear why does it form clouds of white vapor?

The white "vapor" that forms when dry ice sublimates is actually condensed water vapor from the surrounding air. The rapid cooling of the water vapor causes it to condense into tiny droplets, creating the appearance of a white cloud around the dry ice.

What are the 8 types of clouds?

There are 8 main types of clouds Cumulus clouds stratus clouds cirrus couds stratocumulus clouds altostratus clouds cirrocumulus clouds altocumulus clouds cumulonimbus clouds