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the shell that the snail has protects it from anything that can hurt it without the shell

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Q: What do you think protect a snail's back since it has no spine?
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i think it probably means, since snails love to eat the leaves and other stuff of plants, it probably means that they are hungry so they chose your yard to eat off of

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we think that since it is not clear what "them" is...that it is a sentence fragment.

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totally!!they hav a short backbone but a backbone none-the-less

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what do you call somebody who studies snails.

Do snails kiss?

i think so

Where did eating snails originate from?

Snails is a traditional meal since the Roman empire, French cuisine is famous but there are a lot of countries where snail is a traditional meal and they eat it more than in France: some regions in Spain, Italy, Greece, England, Asia (they put snails in the soup), Africa (there are geant snails). Contrary to what one might think most of people don't eat snails in France.

Can African snails live underwater?

that's a good question but no i don't think they can live under water but i think sea snails can for a little bit.

Can a water snails live with painted turtles?

i don't think so.i have 1 turtle and 9 snails........:)

What are snails eminies?

i personally dont think snails are enemies, but they destroy farmers crops, and could ruin wood

Do snails have there babys all at once?

snails are bugs. not animals. figure it out. think a little bit would ya!?

Do snails die when it is cold?

Almost all snails die before the colder seasons.