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the research will help country to develop but must have indictors of development the research will help country to develop but must have indictors of development

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Q: What do you think will help to develop your country?
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I think is the senate members that pay the president and the president do not use his money to develop the country he uses tax money to take care of the country.

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Because during the WW1 time, they didnt want anyone from another country to backstab them. Or develop information about their country to help another country. Because during the WW1 time, they didnt want anyone from another country to backstab them. Or develop information about their country to help another country.

Why is it important to do planning and develop tourism?

If you are a developing country that is trying to bring in tourist this would be very important. Planning and developing tourism in an under developed country will be good for the overall economy and can help develop a country that would otherwise be left under developed and its citizens would be left without jobs and the ability to imporve their lives. Planning and developing tourism can also help develop infrastructure and superstructure, help with education and technology in the host country as well.

How can you develop my country?

I can not develop your country, the development of your country is up to you and your countrymen/women.

Why students attend university?

For me, I think that people attend university because their goal.some people think that if they graduate from university they can get good job.So they can earn some money for provide to their family. Other thing their think that, when they leave from university they can help their country to develop. All in all for Money.

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I think Chennai because Chennai is the most popular and develop city in India

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i think one of them is endocrine