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Q: What do you understand by bleeding in Thermodynamics?
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What things must i go over to fully understand thermodynamics and mechanics?

My university thermodynamics professor (who held a Ph.D. in the subject) told his graduate thermodynamics class "Nobody ever really understands thermodynamics, they just get used to it." He was being a little facetious, but not entirely.

Can you use thermodynamic in a sentence?

The laws of thermodynamics govern energy transfer and transformation within a system, providing a framework to understand the behavior of matter and energy under different conditions.

Who had the idea of perpetual motion machines?

Lots of people who don't understand thermodynamics very well. (Perpetual motion machines are not possible.)

Why you study thermodynamics?

Studying thermodynamics helps us understand how energy moves and transforms in various systems, which is crucial for designing efficient engines, refrigeration systems, and more. It also provides insights into natural phenomena such as chemical reactions, phase transitions, and heat transfer. Ultimately, thermodynamics plays a key role in many engineering and scientific disciplines.

Is the first law of thermodynamics simply the conservation of energy applied to thermal systems?

I understand both to be equivalent. It is for historical reasons that the law has two different names.

Why i missed period why im still bleeding?

Don't understand the question sorry go see a doctor if your bleeding and it won't stop maybe your having a miscarriage From pink princess

How is the thermodynamics process related to the 1st law of thermodynamics?


How do you you use thermodynamics in a sentence?

My college thermodynamics course was a beast...

What is the study of the flow of energyheat and work?

The answer is "Thermodynamics"

Applictions of thermodynamics in textile process?

applications of thermodynamics in textile

What has the author Stanley I Sandler written?

Stanley I. Sandler has written: 'Chemical, biochemical, and engineering thermodynamics' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Thermodynamics, Biochemical engineering, Chemical engineering 'An introduction to applied statistical thermodynamics' -- subject(s): Thermodynamics, Statistical thermodynamics, Industrial applications

Is the laws of energy thermodynamics is a part of physics?

Thermodynamics is part of physics.