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Nothing! The words convey no intelligible English meaning, the word "Situation" seems particularly out of place with the rest of the phrase!

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Q: What do you understand by the phrase Readers responses are sharpened by Situation?
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What was one result of the competition between newspapers for readers in Atlanta?

Hoke Smith was elected governer

Which best explains how an image might carry associations?

An image can trigger other related ideas and images in the readers mind. APEX

According to Karl Marx history can be viewed as a constant struggle between?

Classes The above answer fits what should be the last word in the question's answer. However, without adding the following, readers do not gain much. Karl Marx believed that history was driven by economics. It was a struggle between the "Haves" & the Have Nots". The struggle was between the ownsers of the means of production and those who either worked for this group or survived on their own.

What is normative character?

Normative characters, as the term implies, work as stand-ins for the reader. Other characters in a story may conceal their motives or behave deceptively, but a normative character offers the reader opportunity to identify with someone who steers a clear course through the events of the plot. When normative characters narrate the story, they seem to possess clarity of vision and hold values sufficiently like the reader's to make them dependable reporters. When they are actors within a story recounted in third-person narration, normative characters display traits meant to resemble similar ones readers find in themselves. (Reilly 122-123)

How many people die from poverty in the U.S.?

This occurs most commonly from inadequately treated diseases and lack of proper health care, along with poor nutrition, and a high degree of stress in day to day living (releasing too much cortisol into the bloodstream which, on a chronic basis, promotes heart disease and other disease processes more rapidly).

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