

Best Answer

K so i found this awesome new hair product named FAST. It is sold at many salons like chatters and angles.

this stuff is so amazing, my hair legit grew an inch and a half in two months.

Also it makes hair really soft.

this is the website for it is linked to below.


Provided you are eating a healthy diet, your hair follicles will grow at a constant speed. There are no over the counter products that you can apply to hair that will actually change this speed (although you may be able to damage hair follicles with products) so do not waist your money.

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Q: What do you use to make your hair grow longer?
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How do you make your hair get longer?

You Grow It. or use hair extensions

How do you make hair getting longer?

You Grow It. or use hair extensions

What oil can use to make your hair grow longer and faster?

you can use hair oil. do not use regular cooking oil!!

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Use mane and tail shampoo

How can you make your hair grow longer in about a week?

Trim you hair,from split ends. Use healthy shampoo!

What household methods can be use to grow hair longer and faster?

you can make it grow faster by massaging your head with the tips of your fingers

What things could you use to make your hair grow longer?

Taking a fish oil capsule 1200 mg or higher once or twice a day will make your hair grow very fast.

Does Pantene-prov help you hair grow longer fast?

I use pantine pro v and tresseme they are both really good products and in my experience it has made my hair grow faster and healthier .but it can make your hair fall out !!!

Why do you use wax on your hair?

It pulls out your hair at the root so it will take longer to grow back in.

How so you make your hair grow faster?

You make your hair grow faster by keeping the ends nice. Trim them every once and a while, and dont use heated styling products, such as a straightener or a curling iron. this will keep the ends from breaking off, and your hair will grow longer over all.

How do you get hair to grow longer and stronger?

When you wash your hair you have to massage it into your scalp before you wash it make sure the shampoo is all over and is foamy.Also use conditioner, it will make it stronger too! To get your hair longer you have to trim it about 6 weeks to keep it healthiest Good Luck!

How do you grow longer hair?

Contrary to popular myth, trimming your hair frequently does not make it grow faster, however, it can help prevent split ends, which can make your hair look more healthy. In order to grow longer hair, be patient, stay healthy, get enough sleep, and eat a balanced, nutrient-filled diet with lots of protein (which is what your body makes hair out of).