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the red hat made in China

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Succot has no special clothing traditions, but there are practical considerations. A succah provides very poor protection from the elements, so when you're living in your succah, you dress for the weather! Tradition says that when it rains on you in the Succah, you have permission to go indoors, and some of those who sleep in their succot do so only in mild weather. A parka can be called for at breakfast in the succah on a frosty October morning.

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Do you have to stay at a hotel to celebrate Sukkot The Philadelphia Church of God does this?

No, there is no requirement to stay in a hotel during Sukkot. In fact, the requirement of Sukkot is that you build a temporary shelter to sleep in.

What day is the tikkun held during sukkot?

The night of Hoshanah Rabbah (the evening entering into the seventh day of Sukkot).

Is there a dress or food that goes along with sukkot?

Dress: No, except (as in all festivals) that we wear proper and formal clothes (men wear suits and women where dresses) Foods: There is no special food eaten strictly for Sukkot, but there are the four species which are fruits and plant-stalks that are used in a ritualistic manner. These items, though, are not eaten.

How is the Jewish festival Sukkot linked with the environment?

sukkot is the holiday of harvest.

How is sukkot and simchat Torah are related?

Simchat Torah is right after Sukkot.

During Sukkot a sukkah is built in a garden What materials is it made of?

Plywood walls and a canopy of foliage overhead.

What happens in some warm countries during Sukkot?

People (especially the men) sleep in the sukkah at night.

What are the prayers said during Sukkot?

All of the usual prayers, plus the special prayers added on all holidays. But the prayers for rain are central to Sukkot.

What day of the year is sukkot celebrated?

In 2009, Sukkot will be October 3rd to the 9th

What is a sukkot prayer book called?

It's called a machzor shel sukkot.

What is sukkot in Arabic?

Translation: Eid al-Mathal (عيد المظال) or As-Sukkot (السوكوت)

Who is involved in sukkot?

Sukkot is celebrated among Jewish families, and special prayers are added in the synagogue services.