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Q: What document states that all men are the same?
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Which document states that all men are equal?

the Declaration of Independence

What government document states that all men are created equal?

The declaration of independence

Which document states that '' all men are created equal'?

the Declaration of Independence

What document other than the declaration of independence states that all men are equal?

The 13 Amendments.

What document states all men are equal?

It is the decloration of independence! have a nice day-_-

The document that was crucil in changing public opinion to support independence was?

Declaration of Independence is the document that was crucial in changing public opinion to support independence. The document states that all men were created equal.

What rights are outlined in the document?

The Declaration of Independence states all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness...

What document said that all men were created equal?

declaration of independence

All men are created equally is found in which document?

Declaration of Independence

What american document proclaims that all men are created equal?

The American document that proclaims that all men are created equal is the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776.

The document called the states that men have God-given rights that governments cannot take away from them?

The document you are referring to is likely the Declaration of Independence. It states that individuals have unalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that are given by God and cannot be taken away by government.

Was the US constitution conceived as an elitist document?

It was called an elite document because most of the original amendments were to further the wealth and power of the elite (rich white men). Minorities were left out of the original document.