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Q: What does10000 colonies ML mean in urine culture?
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What does a preliminary urine culture result mean?

Preliminary urine culture might just be a Urinalysis (UA), in which they check for white blood cells in sample. White blood cells are a sign of inflammation. No matter what the preliminary culture says, you should wait for the results of the Urine Culture (24-48 hours) as it can provide more information about the possible infection.

What do the abbreviations m and c and s mean in microbiology urine tests?

The abbreviations M, C and S in a microbiology urine test means microscopy, culture and sensitivity. The test is done to check for a urine infection.

What do the sensitivity numbers mean on a urine culture and sensitivity test?

sensitivity numbers means how the antibioic reacts in a certain bacteria

What is S Acin in a urine culture report?

what does a report mean when is say 1,000-10,000 CFU/ml of Gram positive cocci and Gram negative bacilli. Is this a positive culture?

What does c mean on urine a urine test?

urine complete test.

What does 50000 col ml mixed urogenital flora mean?

Mixed urogenital flora refers to a test done on urine to identify the bacteria present in the urine. 50,000 is a higher amount of bacteria colonies present, the desirable amount is usually under 10,000.

What does urothelial CELLS in urine mean?

I had scant urothelial cells present in my urine test. What does this mean?

What does it mean when you have nitrates in your urine?

Type your answer here... what are nitrates in urine.

Does inconclusive urine test mean that you failed your urine test?

no it does not.

What does E mean when written on blood test request form?

There are quite a few different letters than can be written on a blood test request form. U&E is a term that is used to mean urine culture and sensitivity.

Can you drink my urine?

No! Are you freakin out of your mind?! Re: lol! Try rephrasing this question. You surely don't mean if I will drink your urine, you mean "Is it OK to drink urine?"

What does concentrate urine mean?

Urine with a relatively low amount of water in it.