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Everybody knows that it means dinner in some fancier way.

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Q: What does ''supper'' mean?
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What does supper mean in spanish?

Do you mean how you say it in Spanish? Because that would be cena. Supper is not a Spanish word.

Does the wedding reception mean supper?

Some times it does mean that but that's only if the bride and groom wants to have a supper when its the reception.

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How do you say am prepare for sapper in Polish?

I assume you mean supper. I am preparing for supper is Przygotowuję na kolację. I am prepared for supper is Jestem przygotowany na kolację.

Why is the Last Supper called the Last Supper and not the last dinner?

For purely cultural reasons. Some call it the last meal, for instance. To some, "dinner" and "supper" mean the same meal, for others they have both a dinner and a supper everyday, for instance on a farm: breakfast in the morning, then lunch, then dinner, then after the last work of the day, supper.

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No, it is not, if you mean the one by Leonardo. There are several hundred others..

What does cuando comes almuerzo mean?

"When do you eat lunch?"

Why would you save the Last Supper?

If you mean Leonardo Da Vinci's painting, it is priceless.

What does sup mean in the King James bible?

Sup means to dine with or eat with, as in supper

What is a sentence using the word supper?

I'm ready for supper.That supper was great!

What does cenam mean in English?

cenam(os) = we are having dinner/supper (In Spanish) 'Cenam' could also be the accusative/object case for the noun 'cena' in Latin, meaning 'dinner/supper'.