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The magnitude of a mathematical object is its size: a property by which it can be larger or smaller than other objects of the same kind; in technical terms, an ordering of the class of objects to which it belongs

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12y ago

The term magnitude in the context of seismicity relates to the total energy released by an earthquake.

For a more in depth explanation please see the related question.
The word magnitude (in the context of earthquakes) is used to describe the amount of energy produced when one occurs.

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Q: What does 'magnitude' mean when talking about an earthquake?
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Why is a 6.0 magnitude earthquake so much more destructive than a 5.0 magnitude earthquake?

Because the "magnitude scale is not linear, it is logarithmic (its numbers are an order of magnitude apart) this mean that the a magnitude 6 earthquake is TEN TIMES more powerful than a magnitude 5 earthquake and a HUNDRED TIMES more powerful than a magnitude 4 earthquake.

Why is 6.0 magnitude earthquake so much more destructive than a 5.0 magnitude earthquake?

Because the "magnitude scale is not linear, it is logarithmic (its numbers are an order of magnitude apart) this mean that the a magnitude 6 earthquake is TEN TIMES more powerful than a magnitude 5 earthquake and a HUNDRED TIMES more powerful than a magnitude 4 earthquake.

What is the difference in energy output between a magnitude 5 earthquake and a magnitude 6 earthquake?

A magnitude 6 earthquake has 10 ten times the energy of a magnitude 5 earthquake.

What is an earthquake's magnitude a measure of?

An earthquake's magnitude is a measure of how strong it is

What is magaitude?

You might mean Magnitude magnitude is the measure of energy released in an earthquake. it doesnt change per area like intensity, an earthquake has one magnitude. It may be expressed using several magnitude scales. It is very unlikely that an earthquake of magnitude less than 5 could cause any damage.

Magnitude is an earthquake's what?

The magnitude of an earthquake is caluated to measure the amount of energy released during the earthquake.

What magnitude was the March 28 earthquake?

It was a pretty terrible event that affected thousands of people. It can be confusing talking about the magnitude of an earthquake as different countries can use different scales (Japan uses a different one from the international standard as one example). The 28 March earthquake was Magnitude 8.6 as measured in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia at 4.09 pm in 2005. The extra energy release to go further up the scale is exponential (meaning that a magnitude 2 earthquake is much more than double the energy of a magnitude 1 earthquake).

What is the energy level difference between a magnitude 5 earthquake and magnitude 6 earthquake?

A magnitude 6 earthquake emits roughly 31 times more energy than a magnitude 5 earthquake. The magnitude 6 quake will also have a maximum seismic wave amplitude of ten times the magnitude 5 earthquake.

What was the magnitude of the earthquake?

7.2 magnitude

What magnitude was the earthquake that hit Chile?

The Earthquake of February 27,2010 had a magnitude of 8.8

What was the magnitude of the recent earthquake in haiti?

The magnitude of Haiti's recent earthquake was 7.0

How many times stronger is a magnitude 9 earthquake than a 5 earthquake?

A magnitude 9 earthquake is 10,000x stronger than a magnitude 5.