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The English language equivalent of nu is no, not.

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Q: What does 'nu' mean in Romanian?
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The Romanian language equivalent of no single is nu singur or necăsătorit.

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A possible Romanian language equivalent for no stop do him no harm is nu îl opri, nu este periculos.

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It isn't worth it is an English equivalent of 'Nu merită'.

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The Romanian language equivalent for not much is nu mult or puţin, niţel.

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The Romanian language equivalents of no more are nu mai, nimic mai mult, doar atît.

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The English language equivalent of the Romanian expression 'Daca esti cardiac nu copia aceasta fila' is If you are a heart patient don't copy this page.

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The Romanian language equivalent is Nu pot să aştept pentru a fi cu prietenul meu drag.

How do you say dont shoot your eye out in Romanian?

Possible translations - I am not very sure:- nu te uita în altă parte- nu trage cu ochiul acolo

I Can't wait to see you in romanian?

Nu pot sa mai astep ca sa te vad (Nu pot sae mai astept ca sae tea vaed) This was how to pronounce it!

What is the Romanian 'Eu îl iubesc dar el nu simte la fel' in English?

Probably the Romanian text is as follows: Eu îl iubesc dar el nu simte la fel.The English language equivalent is the following: I love him, but he doesn't have the same feelings [or doesn't feel the same way].

What does Fanny mean in Romanian?

Fanny is not a Romanian name; the Romanian diminutive of Ştefania is Fana or Fănica.