

Best Answer

100 coins in a row or

100 cents in a rand or

100 cubits in a rood.

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Leanne Bogisich

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Q: What does 100 r in a c mean?
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How can you determine the total cost of an item including tax?

There are two equivalent way. Suppose the item costs C units (of whatever currency), and suppose the tax rate is R %. You calculate the total tax = C*R/100 currency units so total costs = C + C*R/100 Alternatively, you calculate the tax multiplier, = (1 + R/100) and then the total cost is C*(1 + R/100). It is simple to show the two arrive at the same answer.

100 C in a R?

100 coins in a row 100 cents in a rand 100 cubits in a rood

What does 100 K in a R mean?

100 Kopeks in a Ruble

What is the simple interest expressions?

The amount of interest earned on an investment of C, for y years at r per cent is C*y*r/100.

A sum of money becomes Rs 4000 after three years and Rs 8000 after six years on compound interest The sum is .....?

Rs 2000. The amount a after n years of an amount c with interest rate r % is: a = c(1 + r/100)^n After 3 & 6 years of the question there is: Rs 4000 = c(1 + r/100)^3 Rs 8000 = c(1 + r/100)^6 Dividing the second by the first gives: Rs 8000 ÷ Rs 4000 = (c(1 + r/100)^6) ÷ (c(1 + r/100)^3) → 2 = (1 + r/100)^3 Using the first equation and substituting for (1 + r/100)^3 found above: Rs 4000 = c(1 + r/100)^3 = 2c → c = Rs 2000 Alternatively: As it is compound interest, the saved interest also attracts interest; the amount doubles in the 3 years from year 3 to year 6, so it doubles every 3 years. Therefore initially it must be half the value at 3 years → it is ½ × Rs 4000 = Rs 2000.

What is the roman numerals of 25 100?

If you mean 25 and 100 they are XXV and C respectively If you mean 25,100 it is (XXV)C which means 1000*25+100 = 25,100

What does the roman numeral CXC mean?

Cxc = c + (c-x) = 100+ (100-10) = 190

What does c r t mean?

choose the right

What does the C Mean in the Late Roman C?

The Roman numeral C represents 100

What does Roman Numeral C mean?