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53.6 and 57.2 F

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Q: What does 12c and 14c equal in Fahrenheit?
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What is 12c equal to in Fahrenheit?


Does radiosotope 14c and 12c have the same number of protons?

Yes of course

12C and 14C are.1isomers 2isotopes 3free radicals 4ions 5allotropes?


What are the isotope of carbon?

The most important is carbon-12.

The following atoms are all variations of the element carbon. 12c 13c and 14c. what are theses variations called?

The following atoms are all variations of the element carbon 12C 13C 14C what are these variations called isotopes. Isotopes are variants of a particular chemical element.

The number of neutons in C is?

Common Isotopes of Carbon are 12C (6 neutrons), 13C (7 neutrons), and 14C (8 neutrons).

What is minus 14c in F?

-14 degrees Celsius is 6.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

How are radioactive isotopes helpful for studying rocks and fossils?

Radioactive isotopes can be used to determine how old a rock or fossil is. One method is based on 14C (or Carbon 14) which has a half life of 5,730 years. Scientists know the ratio of 12C to 14C in plant materials based on absorption of CO2 is relatively constant1, but that the creation of 14C stops at death. With this knowledge, if you measure the ratio of 12C to 14C you can estimate how long ago the sample was alive. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1Technically, the 14C levels have changed over the years due to various geologic, astronomic, and technologic issues, so scientists also compensate for that knowledge when they calibrate a particular sample.

Isotopes 12C 13C and 14C all behave the same chemically because they?

All have the same nuclear charge and consequently the same electron configuration.

12c is equal to how many qt?


How many protons does carbon 12 have?

If the element in question is carbon, it has 6 protons, whether it's 12C, 13C, 14C, or any of its other 12 known isotopes.

How many types of atoms are present in carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide: CO2 Atoms of oxygen (16O, 17O, 18O) and atoms of carbon (12C, 13C, 14C).