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Q: What does 1cubic foot of triple 19 fertilizer weigh?
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What does an ounce of coke weigh?

The world's second largest selling soft drink has essentially the same density as water ... 62.42 pounds per cubic foot at the freezing point of water. That figures out to 1.043 ounces of weight for one ounce of liquid.

Which chemical bond is hardest to break?

they can Barack easily because you mite be working a bout and you twist your foot it can bracken you bones

How many pounds does a gallon of liquid natural gas weigh?

I found on a patent website "At -263° F and 1 atmosphere specific gravity of liquid methane is 0.415 , the density is 25.9 lbs. per ft.3, " US gallon is 0.1336806 of a cubic foot thus 3.462 pounds per US gallon UK gallon is 0.1605437 of a cubic foot thus 4.158 pounds per UK gallon

Is Volume related to density?

Yes, density and volume are related. Let's look at the two and sort things out. Volume is the term we apply to the amount of space something takes up. If we use the example of a block of lead that is one foot on each edge, we have a cubic foot of lead. The lead has a volume of one cubic foot, and it is taking up one cubic foot of 3-dimensional space. That's volume. Density is the amount (mass) of a substance for a given volume of that substance. In the case of lead, that cubic foot of the metal will weigh a bit over 700 pounds. As we have a mass of lead (the approximately 700 pounds) and a volume of lead (the cubic foot), we can say that the density of lead is about 700 pounds per cubic foot. Certainly this is an approximation, and we have to be a lot more accurate when we head off into the chemistry lab. But the example using the cubic foot of lead is a fairly graphic one and is pretty easy to visualize.

What is a foot warmer?

a packet that warms your foot, they work then the iron oxidizes and carbon releases the heat from the oxidized iron.