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in french it mean but monkey face in caramel

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Q: What does African Elephant mean in all languages?
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What is larger the african of the asian elephant?

The African bush elephant is the largest of all the elephants.

What proportion of all languages in the world are African languages?

It is estimated that approximately 30% of all languages in the world are African languages. Africa is a continent known for its linguistic diversity, with over 1,500 different languages spoken across its countries.

What percentage of all world language approximately is African?

Approximately 30% of all languages spoken in the world are African languages.

Which one is larger the African or the Asian?

the African elephant is much bigger. all most a ton bigger. but you can tell apart by ears. African elephant have bigger ears as well.

Can you name all the African languages?

No, I Can't.

Which elephant uses heat the fastest using ears African or Asian elephant?

The African elephant cools down by letting all the heat escape from the blood vessels through the thin skin of its ear.

How big is the adult African elephant?

The length of an adult African elephant is between 5,5 to 6,4 metres. They can reach a height of up to 4 metres. The bull elephant weighs approximately 5 500 kilograms and the female 3 600 kilograms. The baby African elephant at birth weights between 90 to 120 kilograms. The African elephant is the largest of all land mammals.

What large plant-eating African mammal eats plants?

There are quite a number of plant eating mammals in Africa. Some of them are elephants, rhinos, giraffes, and antelopes.

What percentage of all world languages is African?


How long are feet and toes on an African elephant?

They have 18 toes in all

What do African elephant do?

They do what we do eat ,sleep ,and play around all day.

What is the scientific name of the African elephant?

There are 3 species of Elephant, all in the Family Elephantidae of the Order Proboscidea.African Elephant Loxodonta africanaAfrican Forest Elephant Loxodonta cyclotisAsian Elephant Elephas maximus