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Q: What does Alaska officially celebrate on February 2nd instead of Groundhog Day?
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You can celebrate Easter and Christmas.

What do other cultures celebrate instead of Christmas?

There are various traditions that other cultures celebrate instead of Christmas. For Muslims, they celebrate Ramadan, Jews celebrate Hanukkah and so much more.

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Mexicans do not celebrate death on the day someone dies. Instead, they celebrate death on the Day of the Dead.

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Celtics celebrate winter solstice around the same time as Christians celebrate Christmas.

Why do people celebrate haunauk instead of Christmas?

The people who celebrate Hanukah are Jewish instead of Christian. Christmas is a Christian holiday, and Hanukah is the Jewish holiday that falls closest to Christmas.

What animal was used in England instead of the groundhog?

I'm not sure just what you mean by "used instead of". Groundhogs are also called woodchucks, that term is probably more common in the UK.

What holiday should you celebrate instead of Columbus Day?

you should celebrate get free presents yay. sometimes you get snow

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because they do not believe in god

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one of it is the day when buddha was born.Church people celebrate jesus instead

How are cultures alike or different?

Cultures can be alike in aspects such as values, traditions, food, and language, while also differing in terms of rituals, beliefs, social norms, and practices. Cultural similarities may be seen in the way people socialize, celebrate holidays, express emotions, or engage in family dynamics, while differences can manifest in customs, clothing, art, music, gestures, and etiquette. Overall, cultures share common elements but are also unique in various respects due to historical, geographical, and societal factors.

Which is correct on a wedding invitation - to celebrate the wedding or to celebrate the marriage?

Probably "Celebrate our Wedding". Also, "Witness the marriage" would be more proper than "celebrate" which implies a party instead of the sacred vows of a ceremony pledging ones lives to each other until death.

What holiday do Asians celebrate instead of Christmas?

There are many different cultures in Asia, so not all Asians celebrate the same holidays. Hindus celebrate a holiday called Diwali. Muslims celebrate Eid. Chinese celebrate the Chinese New Year. This is only a partial list.