

What does Axe 'Fever' smell like?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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13y ago

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Axe Fever predominantly features the scents of dragonfruit, Brazilian mud, and citrus. A delicious fragrance, but very overpowering if you use too much. Available at most drug and department stores.

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Q: What does Axe 'Fever' smell like?
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If you like the smell of Axe body spray, you can keep the smell on your body. There are shampoos, body sprays and perfumes that can be used to keep the smell on your body.

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A very light amount. Women do not like men who wear a lot of Axe. It's over whelming

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Depends on the women. Some like that smell and it would, others don't.

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favored axe smells varies from person to person but axe is also rather hard to use properly make sure you only spray a small amount and do not get wet as moisture ruins the sent.

What kind of axe does girls like?

umm..axe is nasty! well at least in my class all the boys wear wayyy too much so all we can smell when we go near them is axe. maybe a TINY bit of it and then i don't think it matters cuz girls really don't know the difference between the flavors. just make sure you don't smell BAD

What axe shower gel smells the best?

It purely a matter of opinion, though I enjoy Axe Fever (scented with dragonfruit, citrus, and cinnamon) or Axe Kilo (scented with sandalwood and vanilla...MMM!). Keep in mind, however, that everyone's body chemistry is a bit different. So, a scent that I may find amazing may smell like skunk on you. Check out the deoderant aisle at your local drug store, and play around with different scents until you find one for you.

Is rheumatic fever contagious?

No, it is not. See:

Does axe really attract women?

If your someone like Brad Pritt, than yes. If your not someone like Brad Pitt than you are still screwed like everyone else. (Not screwed like laid, but screwed like out of luck). Nub stinks... and the smell attracts to my clothes form the mans clothes...ew no axe smells DISCUSTING