

Best Answer

See the link below, under Related Links, for images of Benadryl products, as well as selected generics. These images only apply to over-the-counter drugs whose main active ingredient is Diphenhydramine HCl. Ask your pharmacist for more information and for other drugs that contain Diphenhydramine HCl. Note from the Author: This answer has been provided by a medical professional, but not a medical doctor. The advice or answer located above should NOT take the place of your primary care physician's medical advice. Furthermore, this answer has been provided in accordance with WikiAnswers and disclaimers and policies. Do not reveal personal information within questions, as this is an anonymous service. In an emergency, hang up and dial 911 or your local emergency number. Contact your physician's exchange (usually provided through his/her office number) if you have questions or concerns after business hours. The author of this answer is not responsible for misguided or misinformed attempts to follow this advice. ALWAYS ask your doctor if you have questions or concerns about your or your child's health and do not use WikiAnswers as a substitute for proper medical advice and care provided by your personal physician.
A half pink/ half white capsule.

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Related questions

Can triaminic be taken with Benadryl?

If the Triaminic has an "antihistamine" in it, then you don't need to take Benadryl. Benadryl is an antihistamine that usually stops the itchy nose/ears, and sneezing. If you look at the ingredient in Benadryl (plain Benadryl, it's pink) you will notice it's in a lot of cold medicines. It's also in some sleep medicines. It usually makes you drowsy, that is why.

Is zertec the same as Benadryl?

Im not sure.. But I took like 175mg of benadryl and I got sleepy as s@%t.. not high but felt a little out of it :p

Benadryl in cats?

no no no no no it taste like poopy and it is so for humans stupid

How much benadryl should you give your 8 pound dog in teaspoons I don't have a mg measuring device?

an 8 lb. dog needs 16 mg of Benadryl, so you can give it one teaspoon ofchildren's benadryl which has 12.5 mg. make sure it is regular benadryl and doesn't contain acetaminophen (to check, look at the active ingredients in the box or bottle).

Can diabetics take Benadryl?

can diabetic take benadryl

Why does Benadryl give a hangover?

Benadryl causes a hangover from dehydration, just like alcohol. Drink plenty of water before bed and the hangover effect will be drastically reduced

Can you take Benadryl and Valium together for sleep when stressed?

sounds like you just did...

Do you give the adult Benadryl or children's Benadryl to dogs?

You can give 0.5-1mg of benadryl per pound

When was Benadryl created?

Benadryl was created in 1946.

Can you take Benadryl with ciprofloxacin?

Can you mix ciprofloxacin with Benadryl

What is a good relief for a posion sumac rash?

antihistamines (like Benadryl) and hydrocortisone creams

What helps the hives go away?

get allergy medicine like benadryl..its over the counter