

What does CFC mean in the church?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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CFC stands for 'Congregatio Fratrum Christianorum' which is Latin for 'Congregation of Christian Brothers.'

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What is the sixth largest church in the world?

The sixth largest church in the world is the CFC Church it is in Murray Bridge. Please come there!

What do you mean by CFC's in air pollution?


What causes depletion of the ozoan layer?

I think you mean ozone. The CFC's cause it.

What is the interaction of CFC and stratospheric ozone?

CFC and ozone interact often. Here CFC's deplete ozone.

What is role of CFC in refrigerator?

In refrigerators, CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) are used as refrigerants to absorb and release heat to help cool the air inside the fridge. However, CFCs have been phased out due to their harmful impact on the ozone layer. They have been replaced by more environmentally friendly refrigerants like HFCs or hydrocarbons.

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Is ozone promoted by CFC's?

No, its not. ozone is destroyed by CFC's.

Are cfc stable?

No, CFC's are not stable. They react with ozone.

What affect are CPCs having on the ozone layer?

I think you mean CFC's. These are having an adverse affect.

What is coursing the ozone layer to separate?

By coursing, i think you mean to say causing. CFC's are causing it.

What does the f stand for in CFC?

The "f" in CFC stands for "fluorocarbon." CFCs are compounds that contain carbon, chlorine, and fluorine atoms.

Is cfc manmade?

Yes, it is. CFC's are coolants created by man.