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He wishes to join Lennie and George in "their dream" of buying their own ranch.

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Candy asks George if there is any chance he can join them in owning a piece of land and working together.

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11y ago

to explain what happened to curley's wife while he is in the bunk house so they wouldn't think he was apart of curley's wife death.

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Q: What does Candy hopefully ask George?
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What did candy hopefully ask George?

Candy asked George if she could join him and Lennie on the farm they were planning to buy. She hoped to contribute and have a sense of purpose in her old age.

What favor does george ask candy?

Wait a little to tell the others.

What does candy ask Georg?

He wishes to join Lennie and George in "their dream" of buying their own ranch.

When candy saw curleys wife dead in the barn what did he ask george?

Candy asked George if they were still going to get their own place now that Curley's wife was dead. He was worried about their dream and what would happen next.

Describe the offer candy make to George what is George's first reaction what is his final reaction?

Candy offers George a stake in his plan to purchase a piece of land. At first, George is hesitant and suspicious of Candy's motives. However, after Candy explains his vision and how George could benefit financially from the deal, George ultimately agrees to join the partnership.

What are the ingredients in Weight Watchers candy?

Hopefully, the information should be on the box.

Will Sees Candy ever come to St George Utah?

Sees candy is discusting. There is a Sees candy store in St. George. It's by the mall.

How did George react to Candy's proposition?

In Of Mice and Men, George is noted from the start as the sharp, practical one of the two. When Candy tells George that has the savings to join in the plan, George says that he will consider it but makes Candy promise to keep it secret, so George, Lennie, and Candy make a pact to keep their dream to themselves.

When was Candy Kisses - George Morgan song - created?

Candy Kisses - George Morgan song - was created in 1949.

What is George afraid to have candy overhear?

George is afraid to have Candy overhear his plans for the farm and his dream to join Lennie in owning rabbits. He worries that Candy will judge him or interfere with his aspirations.

Who greeted George and Lennie at the Bunkhouse?

Candy greeted George and Lennie at the bunkhouse when they arrived on the ranch where they were hired to work. He was an old swamper who cleaned the bunkhouse.

How does George respond to candy's question about the future farm?

George responds positively to Candy's question about joining him in owning the future farm. He sees it as a good idea and shows interest in having Candy be a part of their future plans.