


Of Mice and Men

"Of Mice and Men" was written by John Steinbeck, and published in 1937. It is set in California, during the Great Depression.

2,030 Questions

What is george attitude toward Lennie in the section why does he stay with Lennie?

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He treats Lennie like a brother he's harsh with him but in a loving way, i think he stays with him because he is like his protector he keeps Lennie protected and out of trouble.

What is Georges attitude toward Lennie in this section Why does he stay with Lennie?

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He Wally likes math homework. Pg 31 section 2

'Of Mice and Men' chapter 4 What is crook's opinion of George and Lennie desire to get land?

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Crooks is initially incredulous about George and Lennie's dream of owning land, as he has seen many others fail to achieve their dreams. However, he eventually becomes interested in the idea and expresses his own desire to be a part of their plan.

What is Steinbeck trying to say about the nature of human beings in of mice of men?

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Steinbeck portrays human beings as inherently lonely and struggling for companionship in a world filled with societal barriers and personal shortcomings. The characters in "Of Mice and Men" illustrate the need for connection, yet also the ways in which individuals may inadvertently harm or betray one another. Steinbeck suggests that in the face of inevitable isolation and disappointments, human resilience and compassion can still offer hope for understanding and solidarity.

'Of Mice and Men' Why does crooks have so many possessions?

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Crooks' possessions are a way for him to assert his independence and personal space since he's isolated due to racism. His belongings give him a sense of autonomy and control over his limited space within the barn.

How did Lennie try to stop Curley's wife from screaming?

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Lennie covered Curley's wife's mouth to stop her from screaming, but unintentionally caused her death due to his lack of control and strength.

Who attacks Lennie Mice and men?

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Curley's wife unintentionally provokes Lennie by letting him stroke her hair too roughly, leading him to accidentally kill her in a moment of panic.

How did george treat Lennie when they were younger?

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George took care of Lennie like a brother, looking out for him and protecting him from harm. He understood Lennie's limitations and tried to help him navigate the world to the best of his ability. Ultimately, George's care and guidance shaped the close bond they shared in their adulthood.

In the book of mice and men Why does crooks enter the bunkhouse?

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Crooks enters the bunkhouse to tell Lennie and Candy that they have no right to be in his room, as he is not allowed to mix with the other ranch hands due to his race. He expresses his loneliness and desire for friendship, despite his initial hostility.

Is Candy opinion of Curley wife justified Why!?

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No, Candy's opinion of Curley's wife is not justified. His view of her as a troublemaker and a threat to the men on the ranch is influenced by stereotypes and prejudice, rather than her actual behavior. She is lonely and seeking companionship, and Candy's judgment of her is unfair.

What happened to lulu puppies in mice and men?

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In "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, Lennie accidentally kills the puppy by petting it too roughly. This incident foreshadows the tragic ending of the novella, where Lennie inadvertently causes the death of Curley's wife, which ultimately leads to his own death at the hands of George.

Why does curly hate Lennie when the first meet?

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Curly dislikes Lennie upon first meeting him because Curly is a small man who is insecure about his size, and Lennie's large stature threatens him. Additionally, Lennie's innocence and simplicity make him an easy target for Curly to assert his dominance.

Why does Lennie like rabbits and mice?

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He likes soft things, such as those because of the soft fur. He likes to pet them and feel them.

What makes George and Lennie different then the men who work on the ranches?

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George and Lennie are different from the other men who work on ranches because of their close bond and dependence on each other for emotional support. While the other men are typically isolated and lonely, George and Lennie have each other for companionship. Additionally, George looks out for Lennie's well-being, which sets them apart from the more individualistic and self-centered nature of the other ranch workers.

What drives the team of mules in of mice and men?

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The team of mules in "Of Mice and Men" is driven by Slim. Slim is a highly respected and responsible character on the ranch, known for his expertise in handling animals. He is often relied upon to handle difficult tasks such as driving the mules.

What does George tell Lonnie to do when they first meet the new boss?

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George tells Lonnie to stop antagonizing the new boss by making jokes and comments about his appearance. He advises Lonnie to show respect and professionalism to establish a good working relationship.

What page of of mice and men does crooks talk to Lennie?

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Crooks talks to Lennie in Chapter 4 of "Of Mice and Men," which is likely to be around pages 60-70 depending on the edition of the book. Their conversation highlights themes of loneliness and discrimination.

Who is Neil Lennie?

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I am not sure who Neil Lennie is, as there is no widely known public figure or individual by that name. Can you provide more context or background information to help me understand better?

What does george ask candy to do before he tells the others about curley's wife's murder?

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Before he tells the others about Curley's wife's murder, George asks Candy to fetch him and Lennie first so they can hear the news together. He wants to ensure that Lennie is prepared for the consequences and to prevent any confusion or misunderstanding when the news is shared with the group.

What page is the word brutally On in the book of mice and men?

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The word "brutally" appears on page 99 in John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men." It is part of a sentence describing the harsh actions of one of the characters in the story.

Who tells you hadda George. I swear you hadda in the book of mice and men?

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The character George says to Lennie, "I ain't gonna let no big son-of-a-bitch hurt you." This quote demonstrates George's protective nature towards Lennie in the novella "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck.

Who was a welterweight fighter in mice and men?

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In "Of Mice and Men," the character who was a former welterweight fighter is named Curley. He is the aggressive husband of the ranch owner's daughter and he frequently picks fights with other workers on the ranch.

What happens between Lennie and curly wife?

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Lennie choked Curley's wife

Who was a welterweight fighter Of mice and men?

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Donnie "Ranch" Rensberger is the welterweight fighter mentioned in John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men." He is a character that George and Lennie talk about during their journey.

How did george protect Lennie?

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George protected Lennie by looking out for his well-being, providing guidance, and making sure he stayed safe from harm. He always tried to keep Lennie out of trouble and tried to create a safe and stable environment for him.