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That first he must journey to the land of the dead, Hanes,and consult the prophet Tiresias.

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Q: What does Circe say Odysseus must do in order to reach home?
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What does Circe instruct Odysseus to do in order to reach home?

he farts

How does circe know who Odysseus is?

Circe knows who Odysseus is because she is a goddess-enchantress. She has the gift of fore sight and sees who Odysseus is right away. She also give Odysseus prophesies that help him reach home.

Where does circe send odysseus when he leaves her home?

circe sends odysseus to the underworld

After a year of circe's hospitality who told Odysseus that it is time to depart?

Odysseus' crew asked to go home after a year on Circe's island.

What does Circe insist that Odysseus do before returning home?

Circe insists that Odysseus go to the underworld to consult with the blind Theban prophet Teiresias.

Who tells Odysseus of the problems at home in Ithaca?

A crow on Circe's island that Odysseus sends.

What does Circe say Odysseus will have to do in order to find his way home?

Click your heels together three times and chant that their is no place like home

What happened with Odysseus and Circe in the Odyssey?

found there home land

What did Calypso and Circe do to keep Odysseus from reaching home?

Circe and Calypso kept Odysseus from reaching home in very different ways. After Odysseus conquers the goddess-enchantress Circe she helps him . She is an excellent hostess and lover to Odysseus and his men have to convince him to leave. Calypso falls in love withe Odysseus and keeps him captive until Hermes convinces her to let him free.

Who convinces the men to go into Circe's home?

Initially Circe herself does. Later, Odysseus convinces the rest of the men to join him with Circe as well.

What does circe symbolize in The Odyssey?

Circe in The Odyssey symbolizes temptation and deception. She represents a danger to Odysseus and his crew, using her powers to turn his men into animals and trap them on her island. Circe also serves as a test of Odysseus's cleverness and strength as he navigates through her challenges in order to continue his journey home.

What happened between Circe and Odysseus?

Circe is the witch-goddess that Odysseus and his crew meet after leaving the Cyclops Polyphemus's island. Odysseus sends a party of 23 men to search Aeaea (the name of the island and Circe's home). Circe invited them into her home and gave them food, but they all behaved like pigs, so that's exactly what Circe turns them into. Eurylochus, one of the men, does not eat, and he runs back to Odysseus to tell him. When Odysseus leaves, he meets Hermes, the messenger god who gives him a plant to protect him from the magic of Circe. being unable to defeat Odysseus, frees his men, but persuades Odysseus to stay with her. after the seasons pass though, Odysseus asks her to help him and his men go home. Circe tells him to seek out the blind prophet Teiresias in the land of the dead for a prophecy about his journey.