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Q: What does DNA store to make proteins?
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Do protein store genetic information?

No, nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, store and translate genetic information into proteins. DNA -> RNA -> proteins The central dogma of molecular cell Biology.

why do we have DNA in our body?

we have DNA to make proteins.

What are Cells store genetic information in DNA?


How are nucleic acids and proteins related?

Nucleic acids make proteins.

What does DNA make?


DNA controls production of?

DNA controls the production of certain proteins in the cell. Different DNA codes make different proteins. Proteins made in the cell bond together to make amino acids.

How are DNA and DNA used to make proteins?

DNA & RNA are used in making proteins during transcription and translation reactions .

What does DNA decide?

DNA is the instructions to make proteins, which make up your body.

How proteins help the support the structure and function of DNA?

DNA is packaged very tight by proteins. Proteins found around the DNA supports both the structure and functions. The proteins and the DNA make up the chromosomes. Proteins and DNA in animal cells are chromatin! DNA contains information because of the DNA's structure!

What is the primary function of DNA?

DNA is the genetic material of cells. The major function of DNA is to store and transmit genetic (hereditary) information. It does this by providing a code (the genetic code) for the production of proteins by the cell.

What instructions are building proteins?

DNA contains the instructions to make proteins.