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Q: What does Dad is a bear in the morning?
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What does my dad is a bear in the morning means?

My dad is lazy in the morning

“My dad always says I’m a bear in the morning “?

You are very grumpy and lazy in the morning

What kind of old bear do you have?

A teddy bear! My dad, because he is a big fat grizzly bear*lol*

How are brown bear babies protected?

Their mom and dad

What was Emily Bear's 1st song?

Sunday morning

What has a panda bear dad to do with the cubs?

they walk away and there not so much a dad

Who is the bad character in touching spirit bear?

coles dad

Why didnt elisha want to talk to her dad in the morning?

Elisha may have been angry at something her dad said or did the night before, that may be why she didn't talk to him in the morning. You should ask her.

What is that children's book called about a dad and son bear making breakfast for the mom bear?

Goldilocks and The Three Bears.

Which composer's dad would make him get up out of bed in middle of the night to practice until morning?

Which composer's dad would make him get up out of bed in the middle of the night to practice until morning?

What was Cole's dad's name in Touching Spirit Bear?

William Mattews

Is the dad polar bear involved in taking care of the cub?

No, not really.