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Q: What does December dark yet full of light mean?
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Pls tell you if you can see day and night in the space you mean is it full of dark or full of light?

as long as there is no obstructions (celestial bodies I.E. the earth or moon) blocking direct sunlight, its always "sunny" or daytime.

What is value mean in art?

it is we're u fog from light to dark so like light grey to grey to dark grey to black

Which is the most matching colour for dark people?

light colours.I mean- light yellow,light rose,light cream etc......

In art what does light mean?

Quite a few actually. It can mean natural or artificial light used in the composition. It can also be a light color or area.

Which word mean impenetrable by light?

a dark hole in space

Why was light invented?

to see in the dark but if you mean the sun it is to cool the earth

What does it mean that dark matter warps time and light?

Since dark matter has mass, it is able to warp time and space, which also makes it able to bend light. The effect of dark matter on space-time (and, therefore, light) is the same as that of regular matter.

What does 'chiaroscuro' mean?

The technique of using light and shade in pictorial representation. Chiaro means light in Italian and Scuro means Dark in Italian. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chiaroscuro ( Italian: "light-dark") in art is characterized by strong contrasts between light and dark, usually bold contrasts affecting a whole composition.

What does in the dark mean?

It doesn't mean exactly what it seems to -- nothing can see in total darkness because the eye needs some light to work. However, you say that some animals can "see in the dark" when they can see in very little light.

What does the term Dark Ages mean in early medieval?

In the "dark" opposite of light. The world fell into chaos and darkness with the fall of Rome.

What does it mean if you have a psychic vision of a pitch dark room with a faint white light?

It means stay away from evil (dark) go to God (light) this wasnt from the 'other side' , sorry.

What does it mean when your pupils pulsate?

There is more light in the room they shrink but if its dark our your interested they get big.