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put them on a trauma board

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Q: What does EMS typically do if they suspect a neck or back injury?
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An airman in your unit I spot breathing and appears to be unconscious you suspect there is a neck injury the preferred method to open the airway is the?

Use the jaw thrust to open the airway for a neck injury.

What is the best thing to do with a neck injury?

"If you suspect that you have a neck injury, you should see a medical professional to determine the nature and severity of the injury. For a stiff neck or shoulders, you should try to rest and gently massage the area. Also, always use an ice pack to your injury, do not apply heat."

The preferred method to open the airway with a neck injury is the?

Head tilt Chin Lift Maneuver Unless you suspect a Head Neck Injury then do Jaw Thrust Maneuver.

What is the treatment for whiplash injury?

Whiplash injury is commonly treated with analgesics (painkillers) and neck braces. Paracetamol is typically prescribed used to treat moderate neck pain.

An Airman in your unit is not breathing and appears to be unconscious You suspect there may be a neck injury?

head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver

If the victim has a back injury or neck injury what is the most desirable means of transportation?

novanet answer!!! d) none of the above

An Airman in your unit is not breathing and appears to be unconscious You suspect there may be a neck injury The preferred method to open the airway is the?

jaw-thrust maneuver

You've decided to perform the jaw-thrust technique on the victim of a roadside bombing, because you want to maintain an open airway, while minimizing movement for suspected head/neck/spinal injury Yo?

when you suspect that there maybe a possible head/neck injury, just to the jaw thrust, not the head-tilt-chin-lift thing. if ever there's a neck injury, it's better prioritize your patient's airway first rather than the neck injury.

When is edge coming back to the WWE 2011?

He Is not he retired because of a neck injury.

What back injury would cause pain down the right leg?


Is edge coming back 2012?

Sadly no. He had a bad neck injury that forced him to retire.

When did edge return back to WWE after a neck injury?

He returned in the Royal Rumble 2010...