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Edith Hamilton believed that Homer's "The Iliad" was one of the world's greatest poems. She admired the epic for its enduring exploration of humanity's virtues and flaws, and its profound impact on Western literature and culture.

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Q: What does Edith Hamilton think is one of the worlds greatest poem?
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What does Edith Hamilton think is one the worlds greatest poems?

Edith Hamilton considered the epic poem "The Iliad" by Homer to be one of the world's greatest poems. She praised its profound themes, vivid characters, and timeless relevance.

What does Edith hamilton think is one of the greatest poems?

Edith Hamilton considered the Iliad by Homer to be one of the greatest poems. She praised its timeless themes, vivid characters, and epic storytelling.

What does Edith hamlton think is one of the world's greatest poems?

the Iliad

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