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Q: What does Edwards hope to accomplish in his sermon?
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Who was the preacher of the sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God?

This is a title of a sermon Jonathan Edwards delivered at a church in Connecticut, on July 8, 1741.

Where does Jonathan Edwards declare his purpose?

Jonathan Edwards declared his purpose in his sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." He gave this sermon to a Calvinist congregation, and it was published on July 8, 1741.

Who was Jonathan Edwards and what was his most famous sermon?

Definitely, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" I read that sermon, and it shook me, a preacher!

What additional traits does Edwards attribute to god as the sermon progresses?

Vengeful and angry

Who is known for the sermon called sinners in the hands of an angry god?

Jonathan Edwards

What was the name of Jonathan Edwards famous sermon?

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

What references in the sermon reveal Edwards's implicit philosophical beliefs about divine mercy?

In his sermon, Edwards references the righteousness and holiness of God, implying that divine mercy is an act of grace that goes beyond what humans can comprehend or deserve. He also highlights the concept of repentance as a means to access this mercy, suggesting a belief in the transformative power of divine forgiveness. Overall, Edwards's emphasis on the inevitability of judgment and the need for repentance reflects his underlying belief in the importance of divine mercy as a source of salvation.

Edwards purpose in delivering this sermon is to?

To awaken sinners from their sinfulness and make them scared to sin.

The use of a biblical quotation at the end of the sermon strengthens Edwards's argument by?

Using a biblical quotation at the end of the sermon strengthens Edwards' argument by associating it with an authority respected by those he is preaching too. It usually sums up what was just preached.

When did Jonathan Edwards deliver his sermon?

In 1726, Edwards succeeded his grandfather, Solomon Stoddard, as the pastor of the church in Northampton, Massachusetts, the largest and most influential church outside of Boston.

Who was the audience for the sermon sinners in the hands of an angry god?

The sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards was delivered to a congregation of Puritans in Enfield, Connecticut in 1741. The audience comprised of believers who were already part of the church and were being urged to repent of their sins and turn back to God to avoid damnation.

What great awakening preacher wrote the 1741 sermon sinners in the hand of an angry god?

Jonathan Edwards