

What does Elie tell Stein?

Updated: 3/25/2024
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10y ago

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Eliezer tells Stein that his family is alive and doing well in a town called Antwerp to give Stein hope and comfort during their time together in the concentration camp.

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Who is stein in the book night by Elie Wiesel?

Stein is a relative of Elie Wiesel who they meet in Auschwitz. He is desperately searching for news of his family, and Elie lies to him to spare him the truth because he learns that Stein's family has been killed. Stein eventually loses hope and fades away.

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Ellie told him that she was too busy to go out with him when she was actually going out with someone else.

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There could be various reasons why Stein stopped coming to Elie, including illness, injury, personal reasons, or disruptions to their routine or schedule. Without more information, it is difficult to determine the specific reason for Stein's absence.

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you spelled lie wrong? and he lied because obviously the only way to survive was have hope. So by lying about Stein's wife and childrens' whereabouts, Elie put a little bit of hope in his relative, and himself.

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Stein is a character in the story of Eli. Eli lied to Stein because he was afraid of losing his job. Stein was the owner of the business where Eli worked, and Eli wanted to avoid any negative consequences that might result from the truth being revealed.

In the book the Night by Elie Wiesel what was the name of the distant relative that Eliezer meets at Birkenau?

His name was Stein of Antwerp

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So Elie would not seek vengence upon him.

Why did Eliezer lie to Stein his relative about Stein's family and was he morally right?

I believe that Eliezer lied to Stein about Stein's family because obviously the only way to survive was have hope. So by lying about Stein's wife and childrens' whereabouts, Elie put a little bit of hope in his relative, and himself. And yes, I do believe that he was morally right too. Even though it was a lie, the news was still a stroke of good fortune to Stein.

Is Elie Wiesel tall?

I have no idea, you tell me

Why did Elie lie about his age and occupation?

he feels bad for the man that he hasn't seen his family in a very long time and therefore, Elie knows that if he tells stein the truth (his family is dead) that stein will kill himself. Elie wants to keep stein alive.

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What changes happened when Moshe tells Elie he has come to tell the story of his death?

When Moshe tells Elie he has come to tell the story of his death, it prompts Elie to question his beliefs and the nature of the world. This encounter foreshadows the horrors Elie will witness during the Holocaust and leads him to grapple with the concept of faith and humanity in the face of such suffering. It marks a turning point in Elie's perception of the world and his place in it.