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What does f over o over Dracula mean

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Q: What does F on top of O on top of Dracula mean on brain teasers?
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Who are the top three character of Dracula?

Dracula, Jonathan Harker, Abraham Van Helsing.

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Top of the brain

How does the brain lie?

the brain sits where your scull is at the top of your head stupid!!:)

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What are the neurons of the brain?

I'm sure there in the cerebral cortex which is at the very top of your brain

What part of your brain helps your remember things?

The cerebrum which is basically at the top of the brain.

Where is the brain in the head?

Is it in the middle but the top of your head

Gender Differences in the Brain?

Look at what the brain is wearing. If it has a nice little shirt/pants ensemble, chances are its a boy brain, or a butch girl (walter). If it has a dress or a skirt and a top, its a chick brain. BE SURE TO CHECK!! You don't want to make the same mistakes i did...i mean in bed it was fun but the morning after...well...we wont go there.

Small brain part at top of brainstem?

The midbrain is the most cephalic portion of the brain stem.

Is the brain posterior to the spinal cord?

No,the brain lies superior(ie,on top) of the spinal cord.

What are branches within the brain called?

The brain has three sections on three different levels, from the top to the brain- stem, which form a unit.