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Q: What does Frederick think makes a good ruler?
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How does Frederick's description of what makes a good ruler express enlightenment ideas?

Frederick the Great believed that a good ruler should focus on promoting the welfare of their people through policies that benefit society as a whole. This aligns with Enlightenment principles of rational governance, where rulers should prioritize the well-being and progress of their subjects over their personal interests. Additionally, Frederick emphasized the importance of rule by law and reason, reflecting the Enlightenment values of equality, justice, and the pursuit of knowledge.

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He thought that they were all nasty Facks and wanted them to all be his slaves

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Yes, he was a good ruler

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He was a good ruler because if nobody listened to him then he would kill them

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I consider Hatshepsut a good ruler because she helped enrich Egypt

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Chandragupta Maurya was a good ruler. He was ruler from 322 BC to 298 BC. He died in the year of 298 BC.

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It depends on what a good ruler is. Is it one who kills her people. or is it one who thinks she owns everything. If she didn't Kill her people then she must have been a good ruler

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Richard the 3rd was a good ruler for lionhearted he also was a good man,brave and strong.

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Was Cleopatra VII a good ruler?

No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.No, a good ruler does not lose his/her kingdom. Cleopatra lost it all and her people lost their independence.