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Q: What does HIV attack in the body's immune system by invading and destroying?
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Can AIDS attack the circulatory system?

No. The virus is HIV and the disease is AIDs. It only attacks the immune system but that causes the immune system from destroying other invaders that cause various opportunistic infections.

What does the immune system do for the body?

the immune system protects the body from invading pathogyns

Why did restriction enzymes evolve?

They are the bacteria's immune system designed to cut up and destroy invading bacteriophage ( Viruses that attack specific bacteria)They recognize specific sequences of DNA found in the virus and cuts them, destroying the virus' capability to survive and reproduce

How does diabetes effect the immune system?

by destroying wbc

What is an overreaction of the immune system to an invading particle?

That is called an allergy.

How does your our body defend itself against disease?

the immune system helps protect the body inside and outside using red blood cells and white blood cells it helps attack the diseases and defends your body from and any other thing that may be harmful

Where in the body do acids protect us from invading pathogens?

Immune system,

Fight invading bacteria by either slowing their multiplication or destroying them.?


Why is there an initial delay between infection and immune system destroying pathogens?

Your Immune system is usually High, so once it stops smoking that cocaine, it will be better and start destroying them. Its naughty, isnt it?

What type of cell do HIV attack in the immune system?

HIV attacks Acquired Immune system.

Why do white blood cells attack your internal organs?

In a healthy person, white blood cells only attack invading germs, and would not attack the person's own internal organs. However, there are autoimmune diseases, which cause the immune system to become confused and to attack the wrong targets.

Why is aids damaging to the body?

It ends up destroying the bodies immune system.