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Q: What does Hecate say is your own worst enemy?
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What does Hecate say ismortals' chiefest enemy and why would it be so?

In Shakespeare's "Macbeth," Hecate says that "security is mortals' chiefest enemy." This is because when people feel overly secure or complacent, they may become lazy or overconfident, leading them to overlook potential dangers or fail to prepare for future challenges. Hecate warns that a false sense of security can ultimately lead to downfall or ruin.

Who was Zeus' worst enemy?

I would say Cronus because he actually tried to eat him and he was his father

One of your good friend trust one of your worst enemy can you still trust the good friend?

Everyone is an individual and sometimes personalities clash, but that does not mean your good friend's personality clashes with the person you consider your worst enemy. Communicate to your best friend how you feel about this situation and if they say they are still your best friend, but like your worst enemy then you have no choice but to believe them. Quote: 'Keep your enemies close!'

Did Hecate have any children?

Medea and Circe may be Hecate's daughters.

Was Medea and Circe's Mother Hecate?

Circe was a witch/sorceress/nymph or goddess queen of the island Aeaea, to which she was allegedly exhiled after killing her husband. There are various versions of her parenthood; some say she was daughter of Hecate (the crone, goddess of full moon and witchcraft), some say her mother was Perse(oceanid) and her father Helios (god of sun). In the second version, when Perse is her mother, she has three siblings: Pasiphae, Aeetes, and Perses. Now Medea is the daughter of Aeetes, which makes her Hecate's niece. Medea's biological mother is said to be Idiya, however Medea was allegedly a priestess of Hecate, some say Hecate tutored her, therefore she is often called daughter of Hecate. Idiya is in other versions called sister of Circe, once again making Medea Circe's niece. \

How do you say enemy in German?

enemy = Feind

How do you say enemy in Hebrew?

Enemy= "Oyev"

Who was robin hoods worst enemy?

Robin Hood's worst enemy was typically considered to be the Sheriff of Nottingham, who represented the authority and oppression that Robin Hood rebelled against. The Sheriff often tried to capture or kill Robin Hood in order to maintain control over the region.

Is it true that Hermes is gay?

Hermes is the lover of Aphrodite, Hecate, Carmenta, and Persephone, so I would say no..

What does the Quran say about shaitan?

It says that Allah is the one and only and it should only be he whom Mankind worships. And Satan is described as Mankind's worst enemy trying bring Humans down with him.

How do you say enemy in Korean?

enemy - 적 (jeog)

What to do when your boyfriend flirts with your worst enemy?

Beat the s*** out of her! No, seriously, talk to him and tell him that you don't really get along with her, and say that if he respects your relationship, then he should stop. If he refuses, he's not a good friend anyway.