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Q: What does Hephaestus hammer symbolize s?
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What does Hephaestus carry?

A sledge hammer.

Why does Hephaestus carry a sledge hammer?

It was not a sledge hammer; but the hammer of a stonemason or forger of a smith.

How was Hephaestus depicted?

Hephaestus was depicted as a bearded man holding a hammer and tongs.

Did Hephaestus carry around any items?

Usually Hephaestus is seen depicted with hammer, tongs and anvil.

What does a hammer symbolize?


What was Hephaestus' sybol?

Symbols of Hephaestus are hammer, tongs, anvil; animals being donkey, guard-dog, and the crane.

What is Hephaestus's simble?

The smith's tools; hammer, anvil, and tongs.

What was Hephaestus's appearance?

Hephaestus was usually depicted as a bearded man holding hammer and tongs--the tools of a smith--and riding a donkey.

What is thesymbol of Hephaestus?

Hephaestus's symbols are a smith's hammer, an anvil and a pair of tongs, although sometimes he is portrayed as not known to all

Did Hephaestus have a symbol?

Yes. His symbol was the anvil, as well as a hammer and tongs.

What is the symbol of hephastus?

The symbol of Hephaestus is an anvil and hammer. HOPE THIS HELPS

What were Hephaestus's weapons?

His symbols were a Hammer, Anvil, and Tongs but his weapon of choice was an Axe