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Holden decides that he must leave Pencey Prep and return home to New York City before the end of term without his parents finding out.

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Q: What does Holden decide he must do next?
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What does Holden decide he must do next Where does he first go?

Holden decides to leave Pencey Prep and travel to New York City to escape his problems. He first goes to a hotel in the city to spend a few days before confronting his parents about leaving school.

What sports in the book does Holden enraged in?

Holden must be engaed? in or enraged in?-Must be fencing? Surely !!

Who is Ackley in The Catcher in the Rye?

Robert Ackley is the annoying boy in the room next to Holden at Pency Prep.

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Radio code Holden?

To get your radio code you must go and see your local Holden dealer and they will give you the code with no or a small charge.

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To apply for public liability insurance online, one must decide on an insurance company that provides public liability insurance. Next, you must go to their website online and find the form to fill out. Then you must put your personal information, and decide a plan for insurance. Then you must pay for it.

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He had to decide what to do next. The group was not able to decide which direction they should go.

Who lives next to Holden Caulfield during the summer?

Holden Caulfield's neighbor during the summer is Dick Slagle, whom he describes as a slob and a non-gentleman. This neighbor reflects Holden's judgmental nature and dissatisfaction with social interactions.

What criteria does Holden say one must meet in order to get a good grade in oral expression?

Holden says that one must stay on topic, have something to say, and say it in a straightforward way to get a good grade in oral expression.

Where is the oil filter on a holden captiva diesel?

The oil filter on a Holden Captiva Diesel can be located under the alternator. It is next to the engine oil sump plug and at the back of the car's engine.

Who is the next Rihanna?

Whoever's parents decide to call their child Rihanna next.

When does holden decide to run away how does phoebe surprise him?

Holden decides to run away after his confrontation with Mr. Antolini when he feels overwhelmed and lost. Phoebe surprises him by dressing up and leaving a note saying she is coming with him, showing her love and loyalty to her brother.