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Holden sits by Phoebe's bed and watches her while she sleeps. He reflects on his love for her and thinks about his own feelings of happiness and innocence when he was younger.

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Q: What does Holden do while phoebe is sleeping?
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How did the holden mood changed when he saw phoebe sleeping?

Holden's mood softened and he felt a deep sense of affection and protectiveness towards Phoebe when he saw her sleeping. He was filled with a sense of love and warmth for his younger sister, which contrasted with his usual feelings of alienation and cynicism.

Who is phoebe in Catcher in the Rye?

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She asks Holden to name one thing that he likes. Holden hesitates to think of anything but says he likes talking to her [Phoebe]

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Phoebe in catcher is Holden's little sis.

Who is phoebe in The Catcher in the Rye?

Phoebe is Holden's little sister.

Who is Phoebe and what is Holden's opinion of her?

Phoebe is Holden Caulfield's younger sister in J.D. Salinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye." Holden adores Phoebe and considers her to be the only genuine person in his life. He values her innocence, intelligence, and honesty, finding solace in her presence.

Who is phoebe and what's holden opinion of her?

Phoebe is Holden's younger sister. His opinion of her is one of extreme affection/adoration. He sees her as smart and above average.

In what ways does phoebe seem older than holden Who is more in touch with reality Holden or Phoebe Defend your answer Please helpp?

Phoebe seems older than Holden because she displays maturity, responsibility, and understanding beyond her years. Despite her young age, Phoebe is more in touch with reality compared to Holden, as she is able to see things as they are and cope with life's challenges in a more practical and grounded manner. Phoebe's level-headedness and ability to navigate difficult situations demonstrate her strong grasp on reality, setting her apart from Holden who often struggles with delusion and escapism.

What is the name of Holden Caulfield's sister?

Holden Caulfield's sister's name is Phoebe Caulfield. She is a central character in J.D. Salinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye" and is portrayed as a supportive and understanding figure in Holden's life.

Where does holden wait for phoebe?

Holden waits for Phoebe at the Museum of Natural History in New York City. They meet there to spend time together before Holden plans to leave town.

What does holden give phoebe?

Holden gives Phoebe his red hunting hat as a gift. He originally bought the hat for himself but gives it to Phoebe as a gesture of affection and to provide her with comfort and protection.