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In less flowery speech: "Her breasts are not nearly as white as snow is, in fact, they're really more a sort of brownish color." It's from one of Shakespeare's sonnets, in which he mocks the tendency of poets speaking of a pretty woman to come up with outrageous comparisons that would, if true, be more indicative of a serious medical condition than the height of beauty.

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This line is addressed to a "dark lady" in Shakespeare's Sonnet 130. The speaker is pointing out the difference between traditional love poetry's exaggerated descriptions of beauty and the real, imperfect beauty of his lover. In other words, he is saying that his lover doesn't need to conform to traditional beauty standards to be loved.

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Q: What does If snow be white why then her breasts are dun?
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What color horse would you get if you bred a dun colored horse to a golden palomino?

Dun can be red dun, blue dun or dun. If we assume that the dun is A-Dndn or A-DnDn We know the palomino is --eeCrcr 50% of the foals have the Crème allele and therefore be dilute. 50% of the foals (if the Dun parent is heterozygous Dndn) will have the Dun allele. If the dun parent is homozygous dun DnDn all foals produced will be dun. If the Dun horse is A-Dndn and Ee at the extension site. 50% of the foals will be red based. This could be chestnut, red dun, dunalino (palomino and dun), 50% will be non-red. This could be bay, dun, dunskin (dun and buckskin) If the Dun horse is A-DnDn and Ee at the extension site. 50% of the foals will be red dun or dunalino 50% of the foals will be dun or dunskin. If both the stallion and the mare carry the true black allele a there is the possibility that a resulting foal could be a grulla or a crème dilute grulla. If either or both of the parents are color tested, the percentages would be simple to calculate. Examination of the parents, grandparents and any offspring produced would shed light on what the true possibilities are for this mating.

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As white as snow is an example of?

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Who played Snow White in the orinagel?

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