

What does Iglesia ni Kristo followers call their gods?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The followers believe in only one True God.

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Q: What does Iglesia ni Kristo followers call their gods?
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They faded into myth ... the fate of all gods that have no followers.

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1; God.

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No.Answer:Roman and Greek gods were pagan gods.Answer:Roman gods are as real as any gods worshiped by mankind. Their followers have a confidence that they exist - people following other gods feel they don't. Atheists feel they are as non-existent as any gods.

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Mythological gods NEVER die, the faith of their followers dies off.

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Shinto followers worship several gods.

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One of the key attributes of Judaism is its monotheism. Accepting the Roman gods would have been a violation of that basic principle.

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Unless you are using Gods from actual religions, NO. If you are using Gods from actual religions there all sorts of rules to follow to prevent insulting the followers of that religion.

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The religions that Romans had the most difficulties with were?

Monotheistic religions that prohibited followers from worshipping the gods of the Roman state.