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Q: What does Jefferson do to prove his point (end of the 2ND paragraph of the Declaration of Independence?
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Why was the Declaration of Independence a turning point?

that how we get our independence

What words express the point of view of the Continental Congress in the Declaration of Independence?

Richard Henry Lee included his phrase right at the end of the document. Right in the last paragraph. Also John Locke and Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" inspired some of Jefferson's document.

What point of view is the Declaration of Independence written in?


What was George Washington's tone when he wrote the declaration of independence?

In the Declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson used a respectful tone in order for his point to get across. He had to do this because his audience would have been people in England that are a part of a high social class and were well respected.

From who's point of view was the US declaration of independence written?

"We the people".

What is the point of government according to the declaration of independence?

To serve the needs of the people.

What was Thomas Jefferson's point of view on the Declaration of independence?

wote~ is the wrong way to spell wrote very close just forgot an "R". I believe that he wrote the deceleration so there could be freedom.

What role did John Adams and Benjamin Franklin play in the writing of the declaration?

John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson had been assigned the task of writing the Declaration of Independence. John Adams was a brash courtroom lawyer wanting to argue out every point. Thomas Jefferson was a quiet scholar wanting to reason his way through the problem. Benjamin Franklin could see the issues and solve problems almost instantly. He saw that Adams and Jefferson could not work together and assigned Jefferson the job of writing the Declaration. When Jefferson finished the Declaration, Franklin and Adams went over it and made suggestions and changes, but the document was basically Jefferson's.

What was Benjamin Franklin's point of telling The Hatmaker's sign to Thomas Jefferson?

To ease Jefferson's frustration at the editing of his draft of the Declaration of Independence, Franklin told the story to illustrate that (1) you can't please everyone and (2) the essence of your message remains despite the changes.

How was the Declaration of Independence a turning point?

The Declaration of Independence was a turning point because it declared the colonies' independence from British rule and laid out the fundamental principles of equality, individual rights, and government by consent. It marked a shift towards self-governance and laid the foundation for the formation of a new nation, the United States of America. Additionally, the Declaration inspired other nations to fight for their own independence and influenced the development of democratic ideals globally.

What ideas did Thomas Jefferson copy from John Locke?

Well alot, almost to the point of plagarism. But for one point, Thomas Jeffersons famous phrase, Life , Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness was altered from the phrase John Licke used earlier on, Life, liberty, and property