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The Arch of Triumph is in Quebec.

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Q: What does L'arc de Triomphe est a Quebec mean in french?
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What does on parle francais au Quebec mean?

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What is the most french speaking province?

If you mean in Canada, that's Quebec

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What was Quebec the capital of?

If by Quebec you mean Quebec city, it is the capital of Quebec, Canada.

What are two other countries where french is spoken?

I'm assuming you mean other than France. There is Canada (especially the province of Quebec) that speak french, and then there's Belgium.

What does blancmange mean in french?

a blancmange is a french word . I dunno the word in english but it's a dessert made of milk, cornstach and sugar. they often serve this in hospital in quebec

What does liers mean in french?

Presently living in Quebec, Canada and speaking French and English fluently, Liers is and place in Belgium. However, you probably meant 'liens' which means 'links'.

What does 'Vive Quebec libre' mean?

The phrase 'Vive Quebec libre' needs to be written, more accurately, as 'Vive le Quebec libre'. Its meaning is Long live free Quebec. In the word-by-word translation, the verb 'vive' means 'live'. The definite article 'le' means 'the'. The noun 'Quebec' refers to the French-speaking province of Quebec in Canada. And the adjective 'libre' means 'free'.

What does prix de l'arc de triomphe mean?

"le prix de l'Arc de Triomphe", these days "le Prix Qatar - Arc de Triomphe" is a prestigious horserace held annually in Paris. The name translates as "the Arc de Triomphe trophy / price". The Arc de Triomphe (English: the triumphal arch) is a large stone arch at the upper end of the Champs-Elysees avenue in Paris.

What does QC mean in Quebec QC?

QC is an abbreviation for Quebec