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She has died. Macbeth says, "She should have died hereafter. There would have been a time for such a word." He doesn't want to deal with it.

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Q: What does Macbeth learn happened to his wife in scene v?
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What is Macbeth doing while lady Macbeth is talking in the beginning of act 2 scene 1?

In Act 2 Scene 1, Macbeth is onstage and Lady Macbeth is not. I think Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 5 is heading back to his castle called "Inverness" to talk to his wife (Lady Macbeth) about what happened with the witches and to come back from the war that just happened. Possibly you were thinking of Act 2 Scene 2 where she is talking and he is stabbing Duncan.

What does Macbeth decide to do with the information that angus and ross tell him?

The information they bring (in Act 1 scene 3) is that Macbeth has been made Thane of Cawdor. What Macbeth does with this information is to pass it on to his wife.

Why the doctor was with the gentlewoman?

The doctor was assigned to observe Lady Macbeth's unusal behavior, by Macbeth. In Act 5 Scene 3 the doctor makes his report to Macbeth. Macbeth asks, "Canst thou not minister to a mind diseas'd?" and when the doctor says no, Macbeth says "Throw physic to the dogs! I'll have none of it!" The inference we can draw is that Macbeth really does care about his wife and wants her to get better. People often misunderstand Macbeth's reaction to his wife's death as meaning that he does not care for her, but this scene, occurring shortly before, proves that he does.

Who is lady Macbeth and what is her internal conflict act 1 scene 1?

Lady Macbeth pushes Macbeth to kill Duncan in act 1. She is stronger and more manly than Macbeth.

Lady Macbeth act 2 scene 1 these deeds must not be thought after these ways so it will make us mad this is an example of?

foreshadowing it forshadows the madness of both MacBeth and his wife.

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What is Macbeth doing while lady Macbeth is talking in the beginning of act 2 scene 1?

In Act 2 Scene 1, Macbeth is onstage and Lady Macbeth is not. I think Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 5 is heading back to his castle called "Inverness" to talk to his wife (Lady Macbeth) about what happened with the witches and to come back from the war that just happened. Possibly you were thinking of Act 2 Scene 2 where she is talking and he is stabbing Duncan.

What did the sailors wife munch in 'Macbeth'?

The sailors wife munched on chestnuts in Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." It is mentioned in Act 1, Scene 3 during a conversation about supernatural occurrences.

What does Macbeth decide to do with the information that angus and ross tell him?

The information they bring (in Act 1 scene 3) is that Macbeth has been made Thane of Cawdor. What Macbeth does with this information is to pass it on to his wife.

Where is Macbeth as his wife greets the king at the gate?

He's inside the castle. Duncan reaches the castle in Act I Scene VI, and Macbeth arrives in the previous scene. Duncan remarks that Macbeth passed them on the way, so he knows he's around somewhere. He asks Lady Macbeth to "Conduct me to mine host" and they enter the castle.

Who talled Macbeth that Lady Macbeth was killed?

Macbeth receives the news of Lady Macbeth's death from Seyton, one of his attendants. He is informed of her passing in Act 5, Scene 5 of the play.

Why the doctor was with the gentlewoman?

The doctor was assigned to observe Lady Macbeth's unusal behavior, by Macbeth. In Act 5 Scene 3 the doctor makes his report to Macbeth. Macbeth asks, "Canst thou not minister to a mind diseas'd?" and when the doctor says no, Macbeth says "Throw physic to the dogs! I'll have none of it!" The inference we can draw is that Macbeth really does care about his wife and wants her to get better. People often misunderstand Macbeth's reaction to his wife's death as meaning that he does not care for her, but this scene, occurring shortly before, proves that he does.

Who is lady Macbeth and what is her internal conflict act 1 scene 1?

Lady Macbeth pushes Macbeth to kill Duncan in act 1. She is stronger and more manly than Macbeth.

Lady Macbeth act 2 scene 1 these deeds must not be thought after these ways so it will make us mad this is an example of?

foreshadowing it forshadows the madness of both MacBeth and his wife.

What do the witches describe scene 1?

In scene 1 of "Macbeth," the witches discuss their plans to meet Macbeth on the heath after the battle is over. They mention causing trouble for a sailor's wife and casting spells on a gentleman's chestnut horse. Overall, their dialogue suggests a malicious and sinister intent.

What is the significance of Macbeth calling his wife his dearest partner in greatness?

The "greatness" is only predicted; it has not yet happened. Yet Macbeth is certain that it will happen, that he will be crowned without his stir.

How many acts are in Macbeth?

Act 1 of "Macbeth" had seven scenes.Specifically, the first scene introduced the three witches. The second scene involved the Sergeant's report on Macbeth's brave and noble defense of king and country against traitorous Scots and invading Norwegians. The third scene matched the predictions of the witches, with their fulfillment in the bestowing of the lands and titles of the Thane of Cawdor upon Macbeth.The fourth scene revealed the trusting esteem in which King Duncan I (d. August 14, 1040) held Macbeth and his intention to spend the night at the Macbeth castle of Inverness. In contrast, the fifth scene showed the single-minded, raging ambitions of Lady Macbeth regarding herself and her husband. The sixthscene once again told of the King's bestowing of favors and honors upon Macbeth and his wife. The seventh scene worked out Macbeth's hesitations to resort to murder and his wife's determination to commit the heinous crime.

The of Fife had a wide quote by Shakespeare?

Perhaps you are thinking of Lady Macbeth's line during her sleepwalking scene: "The thane of Fife had a wife--where is she now?"