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The page number differs according to the particular version. A more effective and more exact way of locating the royal murder is the identification of the specific act, scene and line number. The closest that one may get to the murder is Act 2 Scene 2 Line 14. That's the passage in which Macbeth tells his wife that the foul deed in fact is done.

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12y ago

Macbeth was first published in 1623 and has been republished again and again in all kinds of different formats with big pages and little pages, big print and little print, long footnotes, short footnotes and no footnotes at all. Every edition has a different number of pages. If I told you that it is on page 364 of my edition it cannot help you unless you happen to have the same edition as me.

What will help you is to know that Macbeth's soliloquy "If it were done when 'tis done, then it were well it were done quickly" is at the beginning of Act 1 Scene 7. Many editions give you the act and scene up by the page number so you should be able to find it. I comes after act 1 scene 6 and before act 2 scene 1.

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1mo ago

Macbeth sees a vision of a dagger floating before him, leading him towards King Duncan's chamber. The dagger is covered in blood, symbolizing Macbeth's impending act of murder.

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Q: What does Macbeth see on how way to kill the king?
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